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Is Family 

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The Asbury Community Church is delighted to welcome you to our Church family. We are a vibrant and loving Fellowship who strives to Connect people with God, Unite them with others, and Empower them to impact the world. Our prayer is that each person will deepen their relationship with God and discover the reason for their birth. We believe that understanding your purpose and following the plan God has for you is the road to success and spiritual fulfillment.


Sis. Blackwell and I are delighted to serve you and pray God will complete the work He began in you. It has been a great joy to be in ministry with your parents, watch many of you grow into adulthood, and witness this present generation come into their own and achieve lifelong goals.


Asbury has Ministries to nurture people from the cradle into adulthood spiritually, culturally, and economically. Please consider being a part of the family! We have been preparing a place for you and awaiting your arrival!

Pastor Dr. Rev. Dennis L. Blackwell & 

Sister Ann Blackwell 






We are excited to share in the ministry of giving. Our gifts and offerings serve to sustain this ministry as we serve our community and deliver the life-giving message of Jesus Christ. You may give through our secure Give Online Button, through using The TITHE.LY App on your mobile device, by Texting "Give" to 833 739-2391, using the ZELLE Banking App, or by mailing or delivering your check to: Asbury Community Church, 2220 Woodlynne Ave

Woodlynne, NJ 08107



Reach Out and Share

We aim to "Raise the Evangelistic Temperature of the Church.'' Our ministry is all about reaching out to the community in love so that we can help spread the Word of God. Our vision is that our neighbors will know God loves us all and has a plan for our lives; "plans to prosper us and not to harm us; plans to give us hope and a future..." Jeremiah 29:11.  


We meet regularly and upon request via Zoom (per Covid guidelines).  Please come and join us!


Prayer Ministry

Asbury's Prayer Ministry is committed to prayer and to cultivating a deeper and more robust prayer life in church and at home.  We desire to serve those who need prayer, to equip, enable, and encourage all church members to continual and effectual prayer, making prayer a part of everything we do at Asbury Community Church.  We pray for the efforts of all the Church ministries, our sick and shut ins, specific prayer requests, our communities, and for the world.  We meet weekly and upon request via Zoom (per Covid guidelines).  Please come and join us!


Worship is the authentic spiritual response to the awesome nature of our God. It expresses our humility, gratitude, devotion, and thanksgiving to one so gloriously ascendant. Worship is our act of presenting ourselves as members of a broken creation, bowing in full submission. It also anticipates our being lifted by the arms of our Almighty God (1 Peter 5:6-7).

We are a community of Worship. Our ministries of music, prayer, teaching, preaching, giving and service all reflect our commitment to Worship our Lord. This is both our belief and practice.



Manpower Ministry

Equipping Men for Kingdom Impact 


The Manpower Ministry was formed to create an environment where men encourage each other, equipping them to serve, lead by example, empower them to win people for the kingdom of God, and enhance their lives to live victoriously.


The ministry is charged with reaching men in the congregation and the community, utilizing the Worship, Instruction, Service and Fellowship ministries.  We meet weekly via Zoom (per Covid guidelines)!  Please come and join us.


Small Groups

Connecting, Uniting, and Equipping 


Asbury Small Groups Ministry offer unique opportunities for exploring God's Word. Activities within these gatherings provide encouragement, connection, and mutual aid.  In other words, Asbury Small Groups get at the heart of Asbury's mission, to Connect Believers to God, Unite People With Others, and Empower Them to Impact the World.


Asbury Small Groups also serve to build us up and encourage us to step up as leaders.  We meet weekly via Zoom (per Covid guidelines).  Please come and join us!

Small Groups
Man Power

Connection and Care

The Congregational Care Ministry maintains connectivity within our Church family.  Our members are divided into small groups and assigned Facilitators.  The Facilitator’s mission is to reach out to their assigned members regularly to provide prayer, support, and encouragement.


“Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them …”

- I Peter 5:2 -

Congregational Care 


Media Arts

Asbury Media Arts Team is a volunteer ministry dedicated to producing content for online and live media. Be it the Sunday Worship Service on livestream or Live Worship Service when we return, Media arts provides connection between various aspects of our Worship Ministry and those viewing, listening, and worshipping with us. Let us know if you are interested in being part of this active, energetic, and ever-expanding ministry. Many hands make light work!!  Please come and join us!


We Know What
Prayer Can Do

Prayer not only has the power to change our situations, it also keeps us in constant connection with God. Our church is guided by prayer. We always seek to connect our community to the life-changing power of calling on our God.

May We Pray
For You?

Thanks for submitting your request.

Asbury Community Church 

2220 Woodlynne Ave

Woodlynne, NJ 08107


(856) 962-7802 


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